BSEB Sakshamta Answer Key 2024 Out Check Now

By Aditya Kumar

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BSEB Sakshamta Answer Key 2024...

The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) has released the BSEB Sakshamta Pariksha Answer Key 2024 on its official website which is on March 15, 2024. Now all the Candidates can log in using their Application Number and Password to view their answer key here in this article i am going to give all the information about the answer key.

All the candidates can download the answer key from March 17, 2024 (11:59 pm). The BSEB will review these objections and release a final answer key, which will be used to determine the results of the Sakshamta Pariksha Exam 2024.

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All the Candidates who have given the exam can check their answers and calculate their marks using the answer key. This exam is conducted by BSEB to for the teachers in Bihar. It was held at 52 computer centres across 9 districts in the state.

BSEB Sakshamta Answer Key 2024

The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) has released the BSEB Sakshamta Pariksha Answer Key 2024 on its official website on March 15, 2024. To see their answers, candidates need to log in with their Application Number and Password on the BSEB website.

After checking the objections, BSEB will create a final answer key. The final key will decide the results of the BSEB Sakshamta exam in 2024. The results are expected to be announced around the end of March.

This exam is for local body teachers in Bihar. It was held at 52 computer centres across nine districts in the state. Candidates can use the answer key to check their answers and calculate their scores.

How to download the BSEB Sakshamta Pariksha Answer Key?

Here are the full steps to download the BSEB Sakshamta Pariksha Answer Key:

  1. Visit the official website which is
  2. Look for the option related to objections and select it.
  3. Enter your birthdate and application number. 
  4. Open the answer key.
  5. If you have any objections, use the provided link to raise them.
  6. Download the solution guide.
  7. Save the downloaded files for future reference.

So by following all these steps you download and access the BSEB Sakshamta Pariksha Answer Key. 

How to raise an objection to the BSEB Sakshamta Answer Key 2024?

steps to raise an objection to the BSEB Sakshamta Answer Key 2024:

  1. Visit the official website: Go to
  2. Click on ‘Click Here to Objections’: On the homepage, find and click on the link that says ‘Click Here to Objections’.
  3. Download and review the provisional answer key. 
  4. Choose Challenge Answer Key
  5. Choose the questions and correct answers you want to challenge.
  6. Provide supporting evidence like textbooks or reference materials. 
  7. Save your claims and pay the required fee of Rs. 50 per question.
  8. Finally, click on the ‘Final Submit’ button.

All candidates will be able to check their marks and results online by the end of March 2024.

Aditya Kumar

Aditya is a passionate writer from Bihar, India. With a background in education and a keen interest in staying updated with the latest trends, Aditya focuses on delivering informative content to readers worldwide. Currently working with AWBI, Aditya specializes in crafting articles covering educational topics, latest requirements, news, and much more. With a dedication to providing valuable insights and knowledge, Aditya strives to make a positive impact through their writing.

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