Indian government regularly made efforts and launched schemes for the welfare of citizens. Recently, the Chhattisgarh government has launched the Mahtari Vandana Yojana, through which they give Rs 1000 per month to married women in the state. The applicants who want to apply for Mahtari Vandana Yojana should meet the eligibility criteria. If you have already applied for this scheme or want to check your payment status, you can easily do so by using your mobile number, application number, aadhar number, etc.
Mahtari Vandana Yojana Status Check 2024
Chattisgarh government has launched the Mahtari Vandana Yojana to make married women self reliant. It aims to improve the nutrition and health level of women and strengthen their role in the family. It also aims to remove inequality, discrimination and lack of awareness towards women in society. Under this scheme, the government give financial aid of Rs 1000 per month to every eligible woman in the state.
Every eligible woman can get Rs 12000 per year under this scheme. Interested women who applied for this scheme or want to check their application status should visit the official website.
Scheme Name | Mahtari Vandana Yojana |
Launched by | Chhattisgarh Government |
Launched on | 10 January 2024 |
First instalment | 10 March 2024 |
Managed by | Ministry of Women and Child Development |
Benefit | Rs 1000/- Monthly |
Official Website | |
Check the Status of Mahtari Vandana Yojana Online
The eligible women who applied for Mahtari Vandana Yojana to receive their payments, but not received yet, then they can check their payment status. It is easy for applicants to check their Mahtari Vandana Yojana payment status by using their mobile number and application number.
By mobile number
- Candidates should visit the official website of Mahtari Vandana:
- On the homepage, you should tap on the application status option
- After this, you should enter your mobile number in a specific field
- Fill in the captcha code
- Tap on the submit button
- In this way, your Yojana payment status appears in front of you.
By application number
- First, you should visit the CG Mahtari Vandana website
- Tap on the application status button on the homepage
- Select a category like application number
- In form, you should enter your application Number
- Tap on the submit button
- After this, your application status is shown in front of you
How to check your name in the Mahtari Vandana Yojana beneficiary list
The women who fill out their applications for Yojana can check their names in the beneficiary list to determine whether they will get payments under this scheme or not. If you also want to check the beneficiary list of this scheme, then here are steps you can follow
- First, visit the Mahtari Vandana official website
- Now, move to “ antim suchi” at the header of the page
- On the next page, fill in the information, like location, district, sector, block, ward/village, and anganwadi
- In this way, you can see the beneficiary list of Vandana Yojana
- Now, you can open the beneficiary list and check your name, whether your application is approved or not
If you find your name in the list, it means your application is approved to get the benefits of the Mahtari Vandana.